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Butter, Crumpet, Peppa, Toast

Hello, we are Butter and Toast, Peppa and Crumpet! We’re a happy blended family of guinea pigs (piggies). Butter and Toast (seen on the right and left) are 1-year-old brothers. They used to share a room, but started fighting as teenagers. In the middle are sweethearts Peppa (hairless female) and Crumpet (neutered male). These two were abandoned and taken in by Butter and Toast’s original owner, who then had to move out of state suddenly, which is how they all came to SVFA. The piggies are happiest munching a shared bunch of grass or dandelions, as evidenced by squeals of joy, squeaking, and chuttering. The boys also “rumble” to flirt with the female. After dark they all sleep and are quiet as a mouse. Guinea pigs are herd animals that thrive as a group, are quite easy to handle, and the sounds they make are part of their charm. Their needs include: unlimited amounts of timothy hay for healthy teeth and digestion, daily vitamin C to prevent scurvy (fortified pellets, leafy greens, fresh vegetables), sufficient space (their current enclosure is 27 square feet), and frequent cage cleaning. The $100 adoption fee includes all enclosure materials (grid panels, connectors, plastic mats), water bottles, hidey tubes, etc.


Butter, Crumpet, Peppa, Toast
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